
1. I get wet when drying. I get dirty when wiping. What am I?.

2. I am lighter than air but a hundred people cannot lift me. Careful, I am fragile. What am I?

3. I am heavy forward, but backward I’m not. What am I?

4. With three eyes and a black as night, I frequently knock down ten men with a single strike! What am I?

5. I am the only thing placed ‘today’ before ‘yesterday’. (one word) What am I?

6. I have a straight back and sharp teeth to cut objects. What am I?

7. The more you have me the less you see. Shine a light on me and I flee. What am I?

8. As a state in America. I am round on both sides and high in the middle. What am I?

9. I always run but never walk, often murmur but never talk, have a bed but never sleep, have a mouth but never eat. What am I?

10. I sit in a corner while traveling around the world. What am I?


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